Daily Driver SF

Daily Driver SF
2535 3rd Street
San Francisco
Click The Address To Open Directions In Google Maps
San Francisco
(415) 484-8960
Permanently Closed
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The first creamery EVER in San Francisco, located in the new bagel shop in the American Industrial Center Building in Dogpatch).
A melding of the talents of David & Hadley Kreitz and David Jablons & Tamara Hicks. Hadley made cheese for Tomales Farmstead and David & Tamara are the owners of Tomales Farmstead. This is Hadley's baby, though. She is making organic cream cheese, quark and cultured butter with the certified organic milk from the Silva Family Dairy's Jersey Milk located in the small town Tomales in Marin County.
Pick up bagels (wood-fired and developed by David Kreitz), Red Bay Coffee and Daily Driver cheese as well as that from Tomales Farmstead.
Milk Types Offered
Available Cheesemakers
Cheeses Produced
Classes Offered
Tours Offered
Stop by the shop to view cheesemaking through the window. Call ahead for cheesemaking hours.