Cypress Grove

Cypress Grove
1330 Q Street
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(707) 825-1100
Open To The Public
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The seeds of Cypress Grove were sown in the 1970s when Mary Keehn, a single mother of four daughters living in Humboldt County, began looking for a healthy source of milk for her family. As luck would have it, a neighbor had two goats. Possessing a background in biology, Mary's interest turned to breeding her goats, and within a few years, the size of the herd had increased significantly. Finding herself with excess goat milk, Mary started experimenting with cheese making. In 1983, with a regular customer base already developing, she officially founded Cypress Grove. From the outset, Mary strove to make the highest quality, best-tasting artisanal cheeses. Market acceptance, however, was slow. Cypress Grove used this period of slow, steady growth to take special care of customers and to work with other goat cheese pioneers to develop the American market. Today, renowned for its innovative range of fresh, aged, and ripened cheeses, Cypress Grove is a leader in the domestic goat cheese market and has been internationally awarded for the excellence of its products. Cypress Grove's Creamery and Dairy reside in Humboldt County, just a 5.5 hour drive from San Francisco. Visitors are welcome at the creamery, though no tours are available. There's no tasting room or retail sales, but you can stop by and say "hi."